Ride the Algarve Way Charity Event

Friday, March 23, 2007

Training the Horses!

Of course a 240km ride can't be completed "just like that" without adequate training!
At QPA horseriding stables the training of the horses has been ongoing for a number of weeks now. For those who are not sure how to start, here are a couple of suggestions:
1) Start out slow and pick up your pace and distance daily. Start with a one hour walk and gradually build that up to two or three hours, adding in some trotting.
2) Going for trotting sessions, or "trottie trotties" as we call them, really helps to build up your horse's muscles, strength and stamina, whilst building up your own! Again, start with just half an hour, building it up to 2 hours. BUT: Never increase distance and speed at the same time!
3) If you have more than one horse to train but lack the amount of time it requires, try riding one and leading the other! (see pic)
4) Walking up and down hills will be the daily norm during the ride, so make sure you don't stick to flat land if you can avoid it! Also, this is a great muscle builder!
5) Don't forget to change your feeding regime if your horse is suddenly working a lot more than usual, perhaps you would like to add supplements to help him/her out!
6) Ensure your horse's tack fits properly and use appropriate leg protection to avoid any injuries prior to the ride. This also means you should make sure you are in comfortable riding clothes and footwear to avoid accidents and blisters!
7) Your horse's feet will have a lot to endure during the long ride so maybe check with your farrier if he/she needs shoeing a bit earlier than usual to avoid any damage to their feet.
8) You should be riding your horse at least 3 days a week, preferable more, but don't forget to give him/her a day off as well.
9) When you are not training your horse, train yourself! Go for a walk or jog or jump on an exercise bike, you'll be thanking yourself for the effort made half way through the ride!
10) You can find a lot of information on the net regarding training and tips for a happy fit horse. Google endurance riding and a whole new world will open up to those who are not familiar with this discipline.
11) And last but not least, remember this is all for fun. Having a well prepared and fit horse with an equally fit and prepared rider will ensure both of you can enjoy this ride to the max!