Ride the Algarve Way Charity Event

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Charities Involved

The Charities

Riding for the Disabled in the Algarve
The RDA was officially formed in the 1960s, but groups had been helping disabled people since the turn of the century. People of all ages, but particularly children, with a variety of physical and mental disabilities benefit enormously from being encouraged to ride. The emotional interaction with the pony, the physical coordination required and the challenge of conquering a new skill can all provide tremendous stimuli to the rider. In almost every case, the youngsters soon respond with increased levels of coordination, greater confidence and better life and communication skills. This is magnificent progress for them and inspiring for their family and carers.

PSP, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
The PSP Association was established and registered as a charity in 1994 by Brigadier Michael Koe and his wife Sara, after she was diagnosed as having PSP. Sara Koe sadly died in January 1995. It is a relatively rare degenerative disease which, in its early stages, is similar to Parkinson’s. The average life expectancy from the onset of PSP is 6 or 7 years, during which time the affected person will suffer from symptoms including falling; difficulty in walking an in swallowing food; and drastic mood swings and changes in behaviour. Little funding is available for research into this harrowing and –so far- always fatal disease.
It is often called the “the ugly cousin of Parkinson’s” or “The Mona Lisa Disease” because one of the common symptoms is that victims adopt a fixed stare. It is known that the root of the disease is degeneration of nerve cells in the basal ganglia and brain stem, but little is known about its cause, or more importantly, its cure.


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